
Hey there writer!

Everyone is welcome to publish their work here, but to publish you need to follow a few steps.

Firstly I recommend you to spellcheck your work and read through it to make sure your work is in its best shape. Then proceed with the following steps

1. Open up your email and start setting up an email to:

2. Attach your work as a docx or libreoffice or plaintext file. I will not accept PDF’s because of safety concerns.

3. Add to the text of your email:

The pseudonym you wish to publish under, make sure to check if this pseudonym has not been used already, if it has, choose a different one or add your secret identifier code for your pseudonym (this will be distributed to you the first time you submit a work).

The genre and category of your work.

4. Send the email.

5. Your work will be published, if there are any problems with it, I will contact you.

Upon publication you will receive a confirmation email and a direct link to your work.